Adding Tim as a Blog Partner

Adding Tim as a Blog Partner
Building a Good Relationship With Food

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Repeated habits and practices

This morning was challenging. My son threw up in the middle of the night. I stayed up later than usual ~ had more energy and was blogging and doing Kenz {Blog - All the Weigh} Friend Makin' Mondays. I do so enjoy reading bloggers and getting acquainted. It is amazing how many of us enjoy writing online.

I had a good breakfast: cottage cheese and Alvarado Bakery Flax Seed toast. I had a banana mid-a.m. and I've decided that bananas have a bit too much sugar ~ I felt tired after I ate it. The apple I ate today was absolutely delicious and I brought my lunch which includes ~ gasp ~ vegetables to the office. That I am eating vegetables is new -- I have almost never eaten them in my life unless they were layered in cheese or sauce -- with some exceptions. I like cucumbers, green peppers, squash, and green beans (well sometimes).

Again the morning was chaotic ~ cleaning up the results of my son's being so sick, trying to get everyone to school My high schooler is sick with croup ~ she has a honking croupy bronchial thing every year which makes her tired and seems to have come with her from Russia. It always goes away. So two kids are home and I am the office working on preparation for a big meeting tomorrow.

I ate a really nice lunch which surprised me. I used Kangeroo Whole Wheat Pockets and filled them with vegetables: broccoli, carrots, and beans {Green Giant frozen} and slices of pork chops with lemon. It was delicious and just right. At 5:0I had two Wasa bread with natural peanut butter. I drank lots and lots of water allday. I ate applesauce -- natural in a little container. It was delicious. I had a small handful of remaining pistachios from yesterday.

I posted an Aristotle quotation which I found on on my blog. It is about our being the some of repeated habits and practices. I know it is right. Things at my office were really nice today; people were quiet and seemed relaxed. It was pouring rain and the breeze was blowing -- I opened my windows. I work in a remodeled old Victorian house and it was extremely pleasant.

I worked at the house in the early morning and walked. This is the 3rd day in a row. I have been sedentary for so long; that I am moving around is really pleasing and I can feel a difference. I remember when I used to travel that I would walk in and recognize right away that I felt better. Moving makes a difference so quickly and it's important. I have added some widgets/features to my blog -- a 100 day challenge and a daily mile workout log. In order to join the 100 day challenge I had to post my goals, post a link to the challenge, and post something on Twitter.I joined who have to go until the 5th of January in order to do one hundred days.

Tonight so far I have had a small serving of natural Greek yogurt. The rest of the family is eating Cincinati Skyline Chili. I can eat more food, but - gasp again - I am not hungry. I am not craving or wanting anything. I have eaten about 1200 calories which is perfect for me. I have a 1350 calorie account to spend each day.

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