Adding Tim as a Blog Partner

Adding Tim as a Blog Partner
Building a Good Relationship With Food

Monday, September 27, 2010

Makin' Friends With Food on Monday!

I love Makin' Friends Monday on the blog, All the Weigh. Kenz makes her blog so accessible and friendly; I think that we who follow her think we are in her circle of friends and can picture her going out in the evening and eating a "Dirty" cupcake.

As for this Monday, I had a totally successful day with food. I had a breakfast of one slice of Alvarado Street Bakery flax bread (See my links for how to order) and a tsp. of natural, no salt peanut butter. I ate a hard boiled egg and had my coffee allowance with a splash of skim milk. I drank lots of water too.

For lunch, which was horribly rushed, I had another piece of Flax toast and almonds. I also ate 2 hard boiled eggs. I know -- too many eggs -- but I had NO hunger and got through a busy day with meetings back to back and some tensions in the office because everyone is really tired! Guess who wasn't tired? Mid-afternoon I ate some pistachios without salt. Did you know that they are a fruit and lower in calories than nuts? They are rich in vitamins and minerals. For dinner I had thin cut lemon pork chops and a salad. It was a perfect calorie day. What worked for me about the day was that everything was low glycemic and I had no hunger -- 2nd day in a row. Well, duh -- I could have gotten back to a low glycemic and no sugar diet a long time ago. I am not nearly as tired tonight; the day didn't throw me and I had a nice evening with my kids. So what was I waiting for anyway?

I like the idea of making new blog-friends and sharing experiences. I have gotten so much inspiration from All the Weigh, Daily Diary of a Winning Loser, and 266 withthe wonderful anniversary video and the list of foods everyday no matter what --an honest confrontation on a daily basis. I love another blog that features low glycemic diet tips; I'll hunt for the link for my next blog and share it!

I am about to finish cleaning up my kitchen. Guess what? I fixed food for tomorrow to take the to office -- grilled vegetables and more of the lemon pork chops. I'll skip the nuts tomorrow. I also have a bag of things packed to take to work that will keep me humming along. I did some walking this evening. Everyone was cherry and no one age any junk. My little one was not hyper today and was so pleasant the entire evening. A good day! Hurrah! The dessert was a lovely comment from another mother who is rushed who reminded me to take care of myself. Happy Monday to everyone!


  1. Thanks for the kind comment on my blog!! I too love to meet other moms who are working on losing weight!!!

  2. Thank you for the lovely comments about my blog. And I agree with you about Sean and 266 as well. Having the privilege of seeing Sean's habits and actions in his daily life made it easy to understand why he's been so successful. He's inspirational to say the least..

    I didn't mean to make anyone crave cupcakes. ;) The dirty is way, way, way too much chocolate for me, but Clark definitely loved it. ;)

    It's great that your lunch for tomorrow is ready too. Big kudos to you!

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog!!

    You sound like you're doing well. Congrats and good luck! It's a struggle, but worth it to be healthy.

    I hope the rest of your week goes as well!

  4. Hey girl!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I'm looking forward to following yours! Sean was my mentor from the very beginning of my journey...and every time I screw up, I keep reverting back to his tried and true principles. One of these days I'm actually going to succeed. ;)

  5. good job! sounds like you are making healthy choices and really planning ahead to avoid any possible diet mishaps.

  6. Wow! This blog loooks really good. I think that this is really cool. Keep up the awesome work. Lets follow her path.
