Adding Tim as a Blog Partner

Adding Tim as a Blog Partner
Building a Good Relationship With Food

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food and Consciousness and Mood

Day 4. Today I had a busy day and meeting back to back. It was difficult to get everyone to where they needed to go on time. I was late to the office and didn't get an hour at my desk ~ which I hoped for. The issue is still that one of my daughters dawdles in the shower and as she approaches adolescence is getting slower and slower. That is aggravated by my youngest child just piddling and dithering and not getting ready in the morning. It's frustrating and I was staying out of it until my 13 year old {who has no room to talk or moral platform to talk from - smile} decided to start bossing everyone around. That set off a wave of squabbling. I was much more centered today though I did have to eat my natural peanut butter and flax seed toast in the car. I put a nice supply of food in a bag for the office and never made it to the kitchen again during the day. My kids ate hard boiled eggs in the car on the way home and I am fixing the vegetables for the evening meal, but it all seems easier and calmer. I didn't get frantic and I managed the busy day.

Lunch was a bit of a challenge. I had a string of 3 meetings back to back and staff brought in chicken salad,soda-type drinks, and sandwiches on fancy bread. I ate about 1/4 cup of chicken salad, one slice of the bread, the cheese slice, lettuce and tomato from the sandwich and a tablspoon of tuna salad.I never, never, never drink soda. I only drank one cup of coffee today. AND -- I had a bottle of water with my lunch and another bottle at my desk in the middle of the afternoon.

Late in the afternoon I ate about 1 oz of unsalted pistachios. They are my current favorite high nutrition nut {they are really a fruit} and have lower calories than other nuts. I finished the day without being hungry. The good news is that I have my blood sugar under control and I am not hungry! That is the major feature of eating low glycemic foods; my body stabilizes; my hunger stabilizes; and with it my mood is stable and I begin to feel really clear and focused. We really are what we eat. I have become more reactive to food and its affect on mental health because of the sensitivity of my younger daughter to processed foods. {She becomes hyper and out of control}.

I am going to order some unsalted pistachios in bulk from a company online and keep them on hand; they are a really good choice for me when hunger hits in the late afternoon.

Today is a good day. I plan to eat something low in calories and high in nutrition for dinner ~ probably the remaining lemon pork {thin sliced} and vegetables. What fascinates me now as much as the last time is that food tastes wonderful and I can really taste and enjoy it. My consciousness about food shifts and my mind and body are much more in sync. It affects my consciousness, my well being, and my daily ability to be affective, to eat properly. I am still working to get a real purposeful walk integrated into my days. More about that tomorrow.

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