Adding Tim as a Blog Partner

Adding Tim as a Blog Partner
Building a Good Relationship With Food

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 11 and 12 - Friend Makin' Monday

Kenz has challenged us all again with Friend Makin' Monday Questions. I like them; they give insight and focus to the thoughts that run through our heads as we struggle with weight loss and food. I have on the 12th day of my 100 day challenge -- weighed in with 4.6 lbs lost. I am happy because the first week was a struggle with myself that I am beginning to understand better.

1. 1) Do you prefer talking or texting?
It depends. I like talking with loved ones and texting for connection throughout the day with some. I like face to face talking and listening; I value it even more in the world of texting. But texting makes little moments of connection real and it is powerful.

2) Do you make your bed everyday?
I do. It isn't always perfect but it starts me toward an orderly day. I like to be neat and orderly. I try to encourage my kids to do the same, even if it isn't a perfect job.

3) What sounds do you hear right now?
I hear the sounds of traffic on Rt. 12. I hear voices talking softly in the office. I like the sounds because they are comforting and not intrusive.

4) List three things that you always carry with you:
I carry my wallet, my IPhone, and my makeup bag (and a mirror to put on my desk). Guess I could buy two mirrors. I often put my makeup on at the office very early in the morning.

5) What are your favorite TV shows?
I don't watch much t.v. I have been a fan of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice through all of their seasons. I vow everytime that I won't watch anymore because they are both over the top with nonsense and disconnected stories. I watched Glee because my daughter likes it and I'm not sure about it. I need a new show. I am addicted to the two old shows because my daughter and I watched them together.

6) Is there a hobby that you'd like to devote more time to? If so, what is it?
Reading and writing more than the blog.

7) What is your favorite drink?
I drink unsweetened iced tea. I drink lots of water. I drink coffee in the a.m. -- 2 cups. I drink NO soda or sweetened drinks -- never/ever.

8) Share a couple of cool facts about your family:
I have adopted children from all over the world. I have a son who can do anything and is really independent who is in a wheelchair.

9) List one thing that you will do for yourself today:
Today I have worked until just now and as soon as I post I am taking my children to a movie and for dinner nearby. They worked with me yesterday all day; I moved my office from one floor to another of my building.

10) Share something that you're thankful for today:
I am thankful for this beautiful day and for good work, good co-workers, good children, and a good life. I am thankful every day for all that I have. The days are good. I am thankful for wonderful friends. I am thankful for wonderful health. I am thankful for this week and for all who blog and share this journey.


  1. I'm not so sure about Glee, either. I watched it almost every Tuesday on the off season and I'm kinda missing it now that Biggest Loser is on and all I get are the commercials.

    Hope you have a good week. :)

  2. Great post! I also need to make my bed every morning or I just don't feel right. It makes the bedroom look so much neater, even when it's not. It sounds like you're on track with your weight loss. Congratulations! Have a great week.
